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♫Do you remember, the 20th night of September. When illeGAL was the best contender. ♫

We had our very first tournament this September: The Valkyrie Cup. IlleGAL went all the way! Congratulations is in order for the team’s members: @xgracejam, stephjelly, 1llegal_One, JamiePlaysGamiess, ChefStray, & exile! They, alongside the other 12 teams, were watched by 1,509 concurrent viewers. The stream even peaked at 4.6k viewers! This open tournament, which we held in partnership with Women in Esports, only had teams with at least 2 women or non-binary players per team.

The Valkyrie Cup is only the beginning. If you missed out on competing or watching the tournament there is no need for panic! Arrangements for future tournaments are happening – watch our socials to make sure you are the first to know when these are announced!

Speaking of roll-calls: Currently, we are working together with Women in Esports and Sheepsticked. Fiery souls ready to compete foregather! Sheepsticked is looking to compete at GEG 2021 in Singapore by representing the UK with a women’s DOTA team. If you are a competitive DOTA player and able to commit to this tournament, sign up for this opportunity!

With growth comes expansion. We will be embellishing our team of staff and volunteers even further. If you are looking to help out as a volunteer, make sure your eyes are peeled for sign-ups.

Finally, we would like to bust out our very own mechanical sun – also known as a lamp – to shed light on one additional item this month: our co-founder’s, Catfish, appearances on the BBC as well as the GosuGamers podcast!

September has passed and Green Day should be awoken. Autumn has come with TI10 on its doorstep. At the end of October new legends will have lifted the aegis. Happy TI season from all of us at DOTA Valkyries! The next monthly recap will be posted at the end of October.


September Update


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